
Surveys and Investigation

PIBOB Consulting provides comprehensive structural assessments.

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A measurement tool that is on a brick wall with a crack in it.

Our team of engineers offers a range of detailed surveys and assessments to diagnose and investigate structural issues of your property. Our survey services include:

A person taking a measurement of a crack in concrete floor
Surveys and investigation

Building Investigations

Our engineers will conduct comprehensive analyses of existing structures to identify defects, deterioration, and other concerns that may affect structural integrity. Our assessments provide detailed insights into the condition of your building and potential recommendations to rectify the issues.

Building Defect Surveys

Our detailed inspections identify structural flaws in various construction materials, from timber and masonry to steel and concrete. We provide precise reports outlining the extent and nature of these defects.

Surveys and investigation

Subsidence & Movement Surveys

Our engineers will detect and analyse any obvious evidence of subsidence and assess the severity of the issue. In some instances, subsidence may be due to natural ground movement, while in others, it may indicate a more serious underlying problem. Our surveys provide detailed reports and recommendations to address these issues effectively.

Drainage Surveys

We inspect and analyse drainage based on the finding of the drain CCTV surveys, to identify blockages, leaks, or other issues that may affect the structural integrity of your property. We can liaise with Drainage CCTV surveyors to arrange an survey for your property.

A close up of a crack in a concrete column.
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A person in a hi vis vest writing on a piece of paper.
Surveys and investigation

Soil Investigations

Understanding ground conditions is crucial for both new constructions and existing structures. The investigations are carried out by specialist contractors, who can assess the composition, strength, and stability properties of the soil. We can liaise with the Ground Investigation contractors to arrange the works for your property.

Each report we produce is crafted by our team of Engineers, ensuring accuracy and property-specific recommendations. Our commitment to detailed and personalised service makes us a trusted choice for structural assessments.