
Refurbishments & Renovation

At PIBOB Consulting, we redefine residential refurbishment & renovation.

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A small wooden chair at the entrance to a balcony

Our approach blends modern design, functionality, and sustainability. With meticulous craftsmanship and premium materials, we breathe new life into every property. Welcome to a future where homes are not just spaces, but reflections of your unique aspirations.

A man in a hi-vis vest holding a clipboard and a cell phone.
Refurbishments & Renovation

Site Visit

Schedule a site visit for a comprehensive discussion of the project, facilitating the agreement on the scope of work. Throughout the survey, our engineer will address and discuss various pertinent aspects.

  • Explore the plan for structural removal and identify areas where temporary propping may be necessary.
  • Assess potential Party Wall concerns and any impacts on neighbours.
  • Conduct a thorough property inspection to identify and address any repairs or defects relevant to the project.
  • A professional Engineer will examine nearby trees to assess their potential impact on foundations and analyse geological drift sheets to ascertain the anticipated ground conditions.
Refurbishments & Renovation

Design Plans

  • Generate structural plans based on provided architectural designs or through a dimension survey, displaying essential structural details.
  • Execute thorough structural design. Our expert Structural Engineer meticulously evaluates the implications of alterations, determining the necessary new structures to facilitate load distribution to the footings. This results in a comprehensive set of calculations, vital for conveying our approach to Building Control. Following this, detailed drawings are prepared for the builder's pricing and construction phase.
  • Evaluate the influence of local ground conditions, beginning with geological maps and often progressing to trial pits excavation or comprehensive soil testing as needed.
  • Compile and furnish information aligning with Part A of the Building Regulations.
  • Offer valuable assistance in the tendering process, leveraging our extensive database of trusted contractors.
  • Conduct on-site visits for comprehensive work inspections.
  • Our commitment is to work in your best interests, ensuring that the project is impeccably designed, managed, and constructed.
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Conservatory kitchen diner with skylights

Springfield Lane
